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Monday, March 16, 2009

Art Contest to Celebrate Women's History Month

Soroptimist International of Coeur d’Alene invites Coeur d'Alene students to participate in a special art contest that celebrates women and their accomplishments.

March is Women’s History Month and March 8 is International Women’s Day - events have been designed to honor women and their contributions to the world. In honor of these days, Soroptimist encourages students, from kindergarten to 12th grade, to participate in the Live Your Dream Art Contest.

The contest asks students to draw a special woman, and to convey through art why she inspires them. The women can be from history, someone in the student’s personal life, or even a fictional character. Winners in each category will also be eligible for cash prizes. Contest entries are due March 23, 2009.

Click on for entry details AND an invitation to a local Live Your Dream “learn how’ event on March 29, 2009. If you have questions, please contact Christine Johnson at 208-762-1322 or