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Monday, December 1, 2008

Santa’s Pantry: Food for Fines at Cd’A library

You can help your neighbors and help yourself at the same time by participating in Santa’s Pantry: Food for Fines, Dec. 8-27, at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library. Donate nonperishable food for people or pets and overdue fines on your library card will be forgiven. Food for Fines cannot be applied to charges for lost or damaged items.

“During this season – and especially this year – there are people who have can use some extra help,” said Library Director Bette Ammon. “So this is an excellent time to come back to the library, get those overdue items returned, and have your late fees cleared by giving the gift of food.”

Library patrons are welcome to donate to the food drive even if they don’t have any overdue fines. The collected donations will be given the Community Action Partnership Food Bank in Coeur d’Alene and the Kootenai County Humane Society. More news and information about the Coeur d’Alene Public Library is available online at