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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Coeur d'Alene Rotary Announces Group Study Exchange

The Rotary District is sponsoring the Group Study Exchange to Central America in January and has extended the deadline for applications until June 14 and the interview to Spokane, June 22.
This is a unique cultural and vocational exchange opportunity that provides travel grants for teams of participants to exchange visits between Rotary districts in different countries. This year’s trip will be Jan. 22-Feb. 24 to Rotary District 4250, encompassing Belize (English speaking country), Honduras, and Guatemala.

Team members will:
• study the host country’s institutions and ways of life,
• observe their own vocations as practiced abroad,
• develop personal and professional relationships, and
• exchange ideas.
Team members can come from corporations, small businesses, community organizations, medical and educational facilities, government offices, and nonprofit agencies.

This program is available to young professionals between the ages of 25 and 40.

For more information, click HERE